We hope you have all had a happy and peaceful Christmas.
Here is the latest update of all the cars converging on Vietnam, all still on track and going well.
First of all, above we have David and Adele Cohen’s Ford which is cruising past Taiwan and due in to Da Nang on 13th Jan
Then we have Bruno’s truck which is also in the Pacific off the coast of California due to arrive Da Nang 22nd Jan
Next we have the UK cars aboard the Maersk Edirne which are rounding the southern tip of Sri Lanka, due to arrive Da Nang 14th Jan.
Gerry and Jean’s cars are aboard the Viviana and are clearing Port Said for the Suez canal, due to arrive Da Nang 15th Jan.
John and Marian’s MGB is aboard the Banu and is sunning itself north of Australia due to arrive Da Nang 22nd Jan.
Paul’s truck eventually left Capetown on Christmas Eve on the ship Ever Decent and is currently steaming up the east coast of Africa, due Da Nang 23rd Jan.
And finally, Alan Shaw’s Chalky is taking a fast boat, the Maribo Maersk due to leave Felixstowe tomorrow and due in Da Nang 22nd Jan with the other boats.