Our instructions were to leave at 07:30 and travel together to the Laos border. But such was the excitement of our crews that the carpark was empty by 07:30 to get to the border quickly. The drive was a treat of wonderful fast roads though a rural setting with a little rush hour traffic to …
Day 28 — Rest day in Luang Prabang
A rest day is a blessing wherever we have it but to have one in Luang Prabang is a real privilege. The hotel was a delight and it would have been tempting to spend the day lazing here but we wanted to make the most of our day. Two tours were on offer, a river …
Day 29 — Luang Prabang to Oudomxay
A significant feature of the Buddhist culture is that Monks take a morning walk, at 6am in today’s case, to collect food for their daily meal. The procession of monks passes by alms givers sitting on low stools with bowls of ‘sticky rice’ and individually wrapped biscuits, or fruit. The monk offers his …