While we are all “locked down”, staying safe’, our cars have been on a journey.
Those with good memories might remember that the UK cars were due in Capetown on the 4th April and they did duly arrive ‘in the vicinity’ as planned.
However, our ship the Sofia Celeste, has been bobbing about on the waves outside Capetown for the last three days, presumably awaiting the siren to come into port.
Although South African ports are closed to passengers, Capetown port is open to commercial shipping.
So it’s likely that this kind of wait is to be expected.
In fact we were given to understand that this could happen and that’s why our cars set off in plenty of time before the rally. Sea conditions have to be right before docking.
The plan for UK cars is that they will stay in their containers on the boat for immediate return. If this information changes, we will let you know.
Continental cars are not due to arrive quite yet, so a later update will give further news when available.
So in the meantime, we are following the health guidelines, staying at home and staying safe.